About Me.

Paola Filippini


I am 30 years old and by now I’ve spent half of my life holding a camera in my hands.

Photography was just a strong passion at first, then it became a job and now is what I do every day.

I learned by taking thousands of pictures around Venice, the city where I work and live, and yes: getting inspired by beauty has been pretty easy in such a unique place!

My passion has taken me to many places around the world and made me discover new realities. With this work I face daily several situations, from the most dramatic to the most spectacular, I know various layers of society, I confront both with the authorities and with ordinary citizens, even in the most different circumstances.

My first photo trips took me to Asia where I’ve been walking around the villages of Nepal and Cambodia looking for the best moments to catch with my camera; for some unknown reasons I always found myself photographing some traditional wedding ceremonies. Was it a sign maybe?

Today I am a professional photojournalist, from 2013 I work for the newspaper “La Nuova Venezia” in Venice and I document various types of events: news, culture, sport and investigation.

Wedding photography is what takes me into a fairytale atmosphere, where through images I reveal the feelings of two people on their most important day.

Photography to me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you are looking at, then you’re never going to get the others to feel anything when they look at your pictures. A photograph disclose a moment but also reflects the feeling of the person behind the camera.

I love getting excited while I work, that’s why I decided to grow and work in wedding photography. My heart always trembles when I see gleaming rings and, what can I do, I get emotional when I hear her saying “Yes”.

I guess I’m really in love with this job!

Paola Filippini - Venice Photographer

How I work

I always look for unaffected and spontaneous shots, I don’t really like forced poses or too contrived situations.

A wedding is a too fast and important event for a photographer to interfere in the natural rhythm of the day. That’s why I prefer to blend into the crowd, trying to capture the best and funniest moments both of the couple and their guests.

Thanks to my experience in journalism, classic reportage is the style I choose for my work, which is suitable for those couples who wish to enjoy their wedding day and get a complete photoshoot to discover and explore when things settle down.

I always work with discretion and creativity, my photos convey the real feelings of your most beautiful day so that you can recall them over time.