Tag / venice

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  • A postcard from Venice

    As we know today there are very few tourists in Venice: in these weeks, which would already be low season, if you meet a foreign visitor you almost have the feeling that you have just seen a Martian. Yet I continue to do some photo shoots for couples and families who come to visit the…

  • Elopement in Venice

    These are Rj and Emily, who flew from Atlanta (Georgia-USA) to celebrate their wedding in Venice. A truly extraordinary couple, with whom I spent a really funny couple of days. The day before the wedding I organized a boat trip in the lagoon for their prewedding photo shoot. We had decided to go to Burano,…

  • A wedding in Venice

    Imagine a late August morning, those with a shining sun after a stormy night, with a fresh wind blowing making the sky incredibly blue.I magine a couple in love, and imagine them in the most romantic city in the world. Then, imagine a wedding celebrated on the Grand Canal at dawn, with seagulls flying low…

  • Details are a photographer best friends

    More than half season has passed and I can say that this is – for now – my favorite wedding of 2018. Eleonora and Matteo got married in Torcello in the ancient church of Santa Fosca last June. The getting ready and the reception took place at the famous Locanda Cipriani, a location so unique…

  • Wedding in Murano island between art and glass

    The story of how Melinda and Dan met and felt in love is one of those that makes you think that fate is already written somewhere: she’s a nurse at the hospital, burns department, he is a glass artist. A small accident was the beginning of their love story. They share their passion for Italy,…

  • Engagement surprise at the Florian Cafè

    Last week I had the chance to shoot an engagement surprise in Venice in the beautiful St. Marks’ Square. Sitting at the tables of the historical Caffè Florian, Bryce invited her girlfriend for a special morning breakfast: after having their croissants and cappuccino, the piano started playing their song and the waiter brought a bouquet…

  • Tell me about your Wedding day

    It happens many times that I get emails from couples asking me for the quote of a photo shooting where they only indicate the date of their wedding and nothing more. In these cases, it is impossible for me to prepare an accurate estimate because I miss lots of important information and details. Let’s start…

  • Couple photo shooting in Venice

    Don’t miss the chance to enjoy a private photo shoot in Venice: with your very own photographer, you’ll explore Venice most beautiful locations and capture the experience in stunning photographs. If you’re traveling as a couple, with family or as a group of friends, this is a cool and unusual way to get a treasured…

  • ANFM – an association at clients guarantee

    It is with great satisfaction that I can finally announce that I have been selected by ANFM, the Wedding Photographers National Association (the italian acronym for Associazione Nazionale Fotografi Matrimonialisti). ANFM selects the photographers who work in wedding and events sector and make sure they meet some specific quality standards in order to guarantee a…

  • The after ceremony photo shooting – a special moment for the newlyweds

    Wedding is a complex event, composed of many moments of different intensity. One of these is the after ceremony, the time between the end of the ritual and the beginning of the reception. Generally, a welcome drink for guests is foreseen at the party site: now guests can relax a bit, the first bottles are…